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Glutathione Setria™

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The reduced form of Glutathione (GSH) protects the SH groups of proteins from oxidation
various oxidative factors. The cell defense mechanism is
oxidation of the SH group of Glutathione itself with the formation of the oxidized form and
preservation of SH-groups of proteins in the active reduced form. important role
belongs to Glutathione in a bunch of free radicals, peroxide reduction
hydrogen and other peroxides, which prevents the development of free radicals
processes. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage
free radicals.

In a study, Glutathione Setria confirmed the ability
stimulate T-lymphocyte proliferation and double
baseline cytotoxicity of NK blood cells after 3 months of administration
in a dosage of 1000 mg / day.

Glutathione "Setria" on the advice of a doctor is used as a diet
supplements to the diet to restore the body's reserve L-
glutathione is an essential component of antioxidant defense systems and
detoxification of the body:

* In liver dysfunction of various origins due
accumulation of free radicals and peroxides;
* At manifestations of toxic action of use of medicines;
* At poisonings by toxic elements;
* At the increased physical activities;
* In the winter-spring period with a poor diet
