To begin with, spirulina belongs to cyanobacteria, the so-called blue-green algae, and has been known to mankind for many hundreds of years. It was dried, ground into powder and eaten in this form. Today you can buy spirulina in powder or pill form. And here the question of personal preference already arises: is it convenient for you to add superfood to drinks or just drink it with water and enjoy the positive effect on the body. To begin with, spirulina belongs to cyanobacteria, the so-called blue-green algae and has been known to mankind for many hundreds of years ... It was dried, ground into powder and eaten in this form. Today you can buy spirulina in powder or pill form. And here the question of personal preference already arises: is it convenient for you to add superfood to drinks or just drink it with water and enjoy the positive effect on the body.
First of all, spirulina is a source of plant protein and B vitamins, including the much needed B12. The latter is especially true for vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. So, it is believed that one tablespoon of spirulina powder contains 300% of the B12 norm !!! Just imagine the concentration of substances in this superfood ...
And due to the large amount of protein and low calorie content, the product is often used for weight loss, for which girls love it. True, despite all the miraculous properties prescribed to the product, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lose weight only with its help. Healthy food and sports have not been canceled.
In addition, these algae are also an excellent source of many trace elements: iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, potassium and calcium. And due to the high iron content, they are useful for anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
But there is also something that sets spirulina apart from any other food on the planet. This is the only currently known anticancer substance - phycocyanin, capable of stopping the growth of cancer cells.